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Going paperless with outsourced scanning services can have many benefits. Among the top three are space savings, security and ease of retrieval. One company that government agencies in New York trust with their documents is CASO. Consider the benefits of outsourcing your document scanning services and making your business truly paperless.

1. Free Up Valuable Space
2. Secure Critical Cotent from theft and disaster
3. Retrieve Records in Seconds

1. Free up valuable space by eliminating paper

Take a look in the corners and file rooms throughout your office and you’ll find that a large amount of valuable real estate is taken up by paper. Rents in New York city are among the highest in the country, so why are you wasting so much money renting space for paper?

Scanned files take up considerably less space: An entire office full of papers can be consolidated onto a single flash drive no bigger than your thumb.

2. Secure critical content from theft and disaster

Whether files are stolen, floods destroy your basement or time fades old receipts, it’s too late to secure the information. Instead, go paperless with outsourced scanning services.

Old documents and files can be transformed into electronic files and stored on a computer. Once this is done, it’s easy to create an off-site backup and have access to your files from anywhere. Your document-scanning service provider can also provide online storage solutions, complying with federal regulations and industry standards for additional protection.

3. Retrieve records in seconds

These files can be stored locally on your computer’s hard drive or loaded onto a server connected to the internet. Once there, you can log in and find any file in a matter of seconds. This is far preferable to digging through dusty filing cabinets, trying to remember how a particular document was categorized, saving you valuable time and effort.

New York state government Preferred Source Provider

The New York state government relies on CASO, a preferred source provider, to provide reliable outsourced scanning services. When you need a scanning service provider you can count on, visit to discuss your document scanning needs with a leading expert in the industry.

Contact us to learn more about student records scanning or a quote for your project today

CASO Document Management