A Day in the Life
Think you may be a good fit for our team? Interested in learning more about what a regular day in the life of a CASO employee looks like? You have come to the right place!
7:15a – My alarm rings as the sun rises over our tree-lined street in Queens. It’s a beautiful fall day and the leaves are golden brown. My day begins with some morning exercise and a shower. I get dressed and head to the kitchen for breakfast with the family.
7:45a – Breakfast is ready! I sit down and share a moment with my wife and son in the dining room. Today, it’s chocolate chip infused Belgian waffles – a family favorite. I enjoy it with some tea and get charged up and ready for the day.
8:30a – I head to my home office downstairs as my wife, a financial analyst, heads to hers down the hall. I log into my computer, generate our website performance reports and review my emails and tasks for the day. Oh wow!! Today we’ll be updating the look and feel of our homepage navigation. I’m stoked!!!! It’s a major enhancement that will improve the user experience and SEO. Can’t wait to make this happen!!
9:30a – I speak with my amazing marketing partner. We discuss the layout modifications needed for the new homepage and touch base on the status of other projects in the pipeline. We bounce around ideas for the navigation enhancement and solidify concepts that we will present to CEO Lana Tamaro for approval. The marketing team recommends a change to the drop down that will allow for even more SEO opportunities. Yes, it’s genius!!!! Teamwork makes the dream work!
10:30a – I finish generating and reviewing the website reports, including Google Analytics. I see that traffic is down 5% on one of our landing pages. Aha! It’s missing metadata. I can fix that. I go into the website back end and add the missing code. Bam! This will do the trick and then some. I then review the modifications I made yesterday. I see conversions across the site increased by 20%. Amazing!
11:30a – I decide to reward myself with the best pizza in town, a homemade sausage and mushroom pie from our local pizzeria. I check in with my wife and son, order our pie and continue coding.
12:00p – Food is here! My son takes the first slice before my wife can get the plates. We enjoy a well earned break and talk about my son’s latest adventures in Legos and Minecraft. A chip off the old block. He’ll be coding too before you know it.
12:30p – Back for some more development magic! Lana has approved the new drop down concept and has given us the green light. Awesome! I summon my shinobi skills and get to work. The coding will take a while but will be so worth it. After a bit of sweat … it is completed and uploaded to the development site for review. The marketing team is going to love this!
3:30p – Facetime with Lana. The meeting quickly turns into a drop down celebration. Lana loves it. We’ll next have the homepage reviewed by the business team and await feedback. So excited! We share the link with the team and wrap up our meeting.
4:30p – I check my email, and wow … feedback is already coming in. The team loves it! There will be tweaks of course. But overall, this is a big win. I thank each contributor and respond to some initial queries. CDM is buzzing with excitement.
5:00p – It’s been a productive day! I run my end-of-day reports and detail my progress to the team on our shared project management portal. I can’t wait to see the homepage finalized in the next few days.
5:30p – I log off for the day. Tonight I’ll be picking up some waffle cakes and bubble tea from our favorite dessert shop in Great Neck. We’ll be binging on Star Trek: Discovery until bedtime. It’s a perfect way to end another successful day at CDM.
7:00a – I wake up to the meowing of my hungry cat Orion and “The Daily” Podcast blasting from Alexa. I toss a K-Cup into the Keurig and head out to grab the morning paper. I can smell the ocean air from the Long Island Sound nearby. It’s going to be a great day. I drink my coffee, feed my cats, jump on the elliptical and listen to some music that hypes me up for work.
8:15a – Fully charged, I head to my home office, sit down at the computer and log in. I review my emails and create my Daily To-Do List. Looks like it’s going to be an eventful day. I roll-up my sleeves and get to it.
8:30a – I begin by running several reports, including timesheets and project updates, and send them out to the team. I pay special attention to The Project Portal status report as I must get everyone to update the status of their projects by 2pm.
9:30a – Time for the online Business Development Team meeting lead by CEO Richard Tamaro. Today Richard has requested that I edit our ECM Toolbox demo footage to add title screens and music. Yes! My creative juices are already going.
10:00a – I run the next round of daily reports and follow-up on some more emails.
10:15a – I join the online IT allocation meeting with the SVP of Professional/IT Services. We notice a team member is over-allocated. Can’t have that! We’ll need to split the work up a bit. We carefully review the team member allocations and alas, a team member has an opening. Super Hero to the rescue!
11:15a – Another round of reports. Looks like there are still a few outstanding project status updates to collect. I shoot out Skype and email reminders … this time with colored fonts to show I mean business.
11:30a – Time to tap into my creative side and edit the ECM Toolbox demo video. I design and add an introduction clip with a title name, remove long pauses and breaks in the dialogue, pick out some light but upbeat music to make the footage more immersive and include an outro with contact info. I make a few last tweaks and voila! They are going to love it. This will make a great addition to the demo section of our website. I upload the video for review and approval.
1:00p – With the video win in hand, it’s time to step out for lunch and enjoy the view at the nautical mile with my dad, who lives nearby. We hit up Taco Tuesdays, grab a few of their famous shrimp tacos and sit down at a nearby bench. Today’s topic of conversation: me getting attacked by a flock of geese as a kid. It was hilarious. I cherish my quality time with dad.
2:00p – Account management time. I return to the office for the Project Review meeting. We discuss all active projects, resources, workload and allocation. Today two project managers and I are requesting a superstar team member for our installs. Time to pull out the handy allocation sheet and see what we can do. Aha. Looks like we found our star. Yes!!! IT for the win!
3:00p – I get a notification from HR that we have some new team members joining the San Antonio Ops branch. Welcome to CDM! I’ll need to add them to the org chart and get those glam shots ready for the website.
3:30p – Time to make progress on an existing project. I’m planning our first annual ECM Toolbox Conference, which will include an awards show honoring our top vendors. I scour ETSY and dozens of other retail sites hunting for the perfect gift bags, tissue paper and customizable merchandise, and check on the status of items already ordered. Sweet, I just got a proof for the trophies we’ll be presenting! They look gorgeous! The team will be thrilled.
4:00p -Meeting with one of our ECM toolbox sales partners. Looks like their workflow installs went great! Their clients are going to love the new Workflow 4!
4:30p – I organize my meeting notes and check my email. There are dozens of new messages. The first is from HR, accompanied by a string of replies. OMG!!! It’s a company announcement that I just received the coveted “Superhero of the Month award.” What an honor to be recognized! It comes with a nifty trophy and a paid day off too. Sweeeet!
5:00p – 5:00 already? Wow what a day! Time flies when you’re having fun! I close out any remaining tasks, log my hours in the portal, log out of all my accounts and lock my computer. Tonight I’ll be treated to another home cooked meal by my fiance, who also happens to be an expert chef. We’ll make Chicken Cordon Bleu and relax to our favorite show, “Attack on Titan.” Can’t wait to show him my trophy!
6:30a – Rise and shine. I start a fresh pot of coffee and enjoy some early quality time with my partner. We make breakfast together and prepare lunch to bring to work.
7:45a – Out the door to catch the train downtown. I typically use this time to read. Today I catch up on a few chapters of a Joan Bauer novel.
8:15a – I arrive at Herald Square station and the rush-hour energy is electric. I take in the beautiful midtown architecture on my walk to the office just a few blocks away. I arrive and see Conner is already at his desk writing up a detailed description of the install he just completed. What a rock star! I head to my desk to catch up on emails. I review staff time entries for the previous day and verify all hours worked. Then I have some quiet time before all the action begins. I use it to close out any issues from the day before and prepare for the morning meeting.
9:30a – IT Support Allocation Meeting. This is my daily pow-wow with the Fab 5 – Aric, Conner, Roger, Chad, Steve – to allocate resources for each project. Today we have several new installs for eForms Creator on the agenda. Everyone seems to want this new update at the same time. Who could blame them, it is awesome. Aric is our eForms guru, so I assign the project to him. We also have another priority task. A major bank client wants the latest update for their PaperFlow software. Roger confirms it is ready. He grabs a laptop and completes the install in minutes. Roger to rescue!
10:00a – Professional Service Allocation Meeting. Time to review our daily agendas for the project managers – Elizabeth, Stephanie, Michael B and Mike D. We review the resources we have for each project. Elizabeth points out that her programmer for a major bank client (Daniel) is overloaded today and may need backup. We each review our resources and voila! Chad has availability. Yes! Such amazing talent, they’ll be well served today.
11:00a – Primetime. This is when the real excitement begins. Teams are working, software is cranking, and the phones light up like a christmas tree. A major construction client just called with a scanner set-back. They can’t seem to get it working. Let’s see if our resident scanner star Jeremy is available. Yes he is! Jeremy remotes into the client workstation and works his magic. In no time he identifies the issue. The new update hadn’t completed yet. Jeremy reboots the system and re-runs the update. Scanners are up and running. Jeremy saves the day again!
12:30p – Lunchtime. It is beautiful outside today and I allocate myself for some relaxation on the famous HighLine – Chelsea’s raised outdoor nature walk on a former train track. I find a seat near the waterfall overlooking the skyline and enjoy my favorite meal … chicken and quinoa! Gotta build my energy for all the action to come this afternoon.
1:00p – I head back to the office to catch up on emails and review support requests from clients.
1:30p – Client meeting. Conner joins me on the client call to discuss their upcoming data extraction project. Conner takes the lead and asks client about their environment and plans out a timeline to complete the project. He’s got all the bases covered. Go Conner!
2:30p – Project Review Prep. I meet with Mike D to review items from the day, evaluate where we stand on support tickets, and discuss goals and timelines for the next few weeks. Wow, we’re right on schedule. Support tickets are all being attended to and the timelines are running smoothly. Way to go team!
3:00p – Project Review Meeting. This is my weekly meeting with the project managers. We review project statuses, review timelines, and discuss project ownership and resource allocation. Everything running smoothly here too. We give each other high fives and break early. I use the time to prepare for my next meeting.
4:00p – Support Review Meeting. Another weekly pow-wow, this one with Chad, Roger and Steve from the Fab 5. We discuss active tickets and discuss high priority issues. Today we also brainstormed ways to make support run even more efficiently. Chad suggested we create a process specifically for client requests that can be managed separately from technical issues. It’s a terrific idea and the team gives it a thumbs up.
4:30p – I head back to my desk and begin work this new tool right away. It’s amazing how inspired I feel this late in the day. It’s a testament to the great people and exciting work we do at CASO Document Management.
5:30p – Daily Wrap Up. I do a final review of emails, update open ticket status and determine next steps. I put my Client Request Tool to the side for now. Can’t wait to finish it up tomorrow and share it with the team.
6:00p – I head out to Brooklyn and take my inspiration with me for roller derby practice. Look out team, inspired player coming through.
5:45a – I start my day with a quick workout to get the cobwebs knocked off. My bedroom transforms into a Crossfit gym for burpees and slamball. I see the sunrise come up over the pasture. Such a beautiful view. I finish my routine and get ready for the workday.
6:30a – Early family time. My wife and I start the coffee and make sure the kids are up and moving.
7:00a – I head out the door, coffee in hand, and finish my breakfast in the car. On the way to the office I check in with Richard our CEO to preview the day ahead and set priorities. Today, we’ll be focusing on ECM Toolbox Workflow deployments for Trumbull and a major bank client. We also have a demo for Trumbull to show them their new customized software. I continue my drive thru beautiful rural Texas. The countryside is especially gorgeous today. The longhorns are out and grazing in full force.
7:45a – I arrive at the San Antonio Document Care Center. I see the support team is already in place, working away. I check in with the team and see if anyone needs support. Aric, our IT superhero, is updating a workflow process that had an issue overnight. I connect him with Wayne, the subject matter expert for our CMC client. Turns out Wayne saw the issue too and already found the fix. Go Wayne!!!!
8:00a – I settle in at my desk and take some time to review and plan for the day. It’s the ideal time to go thru emails, review works in process, and set priorities for the day.
8:30a – I meet with Desiree, our support team manager, to review the status of tickets and issues for escalation. We agree on the agenda and give each other a high five.
9:00a – Back to my desk to prepare for our daily IT Allocation Meeting where we coordinate resources for the project teams. Today Mike B is lining up a technical team (i.e, business analyst and install team) for our first end-to-end workflow solution test for a major bank client. Looks like the team removed the final roadblock (a missing custom component that’s now in place) and we’re good to go. Amazing … Mike B. just saved us days off the schedule. Way to go, Mike B.!
10:00a – I help build out the execution plan with the team for our new Durst project to create an importer for emails and PDF documents. Emails have been manual for them until now. With the new solution they will be able to leverage the Captiva email module and import invoices directly into their AP process. Another inspired CASO custom solution. So proud of our team.
10:30a – Time for our bi-weekly client review meeting with CMC to review in-flight projects and address any production and support concerns. Looks like we’re right on schedule. No issues for the second straight meeting. Amazing teamwork!
11:00a – We begin our development team strategy meeting to review the product roadmap, highlight new technologies and conduct an open floor knowledge share. Today we’re discussing our new e-Forms Creator. The technology behind it is awesome. Our clients are going to love the new WYSIWYG builder that they can use to create any kind of e-Form they want. So cool!
12:00p – I step out for lunch with our newest staff member Taylor. I want to show him the best place in town for sweet tea, brisket and sausage. We head to BBQ Station around the corner. Such a beautiful rustic place with screened in porches. Love it there. Taylor is an instant fan.
1:30p – Back to my desk. I catch up on emails and keep an eye open for account issues and immediate team needs.
1:45p – Time for the Trumbull meeting and to prepare for the Accounts Payable Workflow testing onsite. This is the culmination of 12 months of planning. They will now be able to allocate all their materials costs across every construction project they have. Everyone is so upbeat and excited. I can’t wait until they see their AP Workflow solution in action.
3:00p – Weekly status call with Stephanie, our Account Manager. Her workload is particularly heavy this week. It’s awesome to see her execute so powerfully under pressure. Go Steph!
3:30p – Portfolio review with Bruce, our sales rep for ABBYY and Teleform. Bruce has about 3 or 4 new projects in the pipeline that are very exciting, including a new rollout of ABBYY FlexiCapture for Invoices for Jet.com. We’ve done some of our best work with Jet and couldn’t be happier with our partnership. We’ve helped them streamline their vendor payments and their ROI is incredible. It’s projects like these that make me so proud to be a part of the CASO Document Management team.
4:30p – Issue Log Review meeting with the project team. Today we’re knocking out items for the AP Workflow release for a major bank. Jeff K and the team came through in the clutch. The entire environment is up and running. Holy smokes, they are good. Testing is officially underway.
5:30p – Time to follow up on remaining emails and close out issues from the day. I take a breath and reflect on the power of our team. I’m in awe of these guys.
6:00p – I head out for the day and make a follow up call to Conner to check in on the hours forecast for the upcoming Care1st install. Connor has already reached out to the account manager and can confirm we are on track. What a rockstar!
7:00p – Family time. I meet the family for my daughter’s final middle school basketball game of the year. Tonight is very special for us. All the players will be introduced and get to walk across the court with their parents. So proud of my daughter and the team, having made the district playoffs. Part of our family’s winning tradition.
7:30a – Rise and shine. I head to the train with my coffee in hand and a spring in my step, ready to take on another day. The morning commute is the perfect time to review yesterday’s wins and plan for the day ahead.
8:30a – Arrive at Penn Station and soak up the energy around me. I love this city! The main office is just a few blocks away, in the heart of it all. Today I’ll pick up my new hard drive from Connor with all the latest upgrades. Yes, it’s there waiting for me. Connor for the win!
9:00a – Time to visit my main account in nearby Bryant Park. I work on site there several days a week. Today is especially exciting. We’re about to wrap up a major project. On my way, I grab some breakfast at Friedman’s, my favorite.
9:25a – Settle in and prepare for our daily IT Allocation Meeting, where we determine which programmers will work on each project. I need to make sure my resources are lined up for the big day!
10:00a – Skype into the IT pow-wow. I’ll be working with Roger today. Yes!!!! Such an amazing talent.
11:00a – Face time with client. I provide an update on the ApplicationXtender upgrade and confirm we will close this baby out today. High fives all around!!
11:30a – Perfect time to review my next assignment. I speak with Chad in IT to discuss the project scope for our new client. Everything looks in order. We’re rocking and rolling!
12:30p – Step out for lunch. It’s a beautiful day in Bryant Park. I grab a delicious wrap at Whole Foods to eat in the park. Love the scenery and energy here! Now I’m recharged and ready for action.
1:10p – Back to my desk. I catch up on emails and find a pressing matter. A production server is down at a client site. I reach out to IT for assistance. Connor to the rescue once again! The server is back up in minutes. Amazing teamwork!
2:00p – Connect with Roger to close out the ApplicationXtender upgrade. Yes, it’s a wrap. We give each other a virtual high five on skype!
3:30p – Meet with my team leader, Mike Drew (sVP of Professional Services) for our weekly status call. It’s all smiles as we take a moment to acknowledge the great work we’re doing.
5:00p – Time to follow up on remaining emails. I send status updates to my clients and prepare to close out my day.
5:45p – Skype with CEO Richard Tamaro. Need some last minute feedback on an important client email. So grateful our chief executive is so accessible. His feedback is spot on. Exactly what I needed.
6:00p – Happy hour. Tomorrow’s my birthday and Caso gives us a paid day off. It’s a happy birthday indeed!
8:00a – Pick up breakfast along the famous Riverwalk and enjoy the sights as I make my way to the office. It’s a beautiful day in Texas.
8:30a – I arrive and greet my team. Had to thank them for their incredible contributions this week. Production goals are ahead of schedule. The Document Care Center is on point. Yes!!!
9:00a – Settle in and catch up on emails. Mechelle in North Carolina needs somebody on surveys. I know just the specialist for the job. Jessica to the rescue! Mechelle will be in great hands today. I turn to the production logs and see that all entries are in order. Gotta love my team!
10:15a – I break for coffee and run into Vernon. His excitement is contagious. The annual Southtown art fair kicks off today, and it’s always an amazing time. We talk about our favorite exhibits. Can’t wait to see what they have in store for us this year!
10:45a – Judy has a batching issue. Some receipts have tape all over them. In minutes we remove the tape for the scanners. Success! We’re tape free and batching!
11:05a – Time for a production pow-wow with our fearless leader, Ron (sVP Operations). He’s going to love today’s status update. With his expert guidance, we’re all hitting our goals. So proud of the team!
12:00p – Lunchtime. I meet my BFF at Café Dijon in Alamo Heights. Love this place. The fried green tomatoes are to die for!
1:15p – Back at the center, feeling good and ready for today’s indexing. But wait! Christine discovers a misfile that needs to be addressed. In minutes, we find the correct file and save the day. Success!!
2:30p – Second shift supervisor comes in. We sit down and prepare for the big hand off to the overnight team. Tonight we’ll need our renowned Caso quality control for a new batch of medical records. Mateo, our QC all-star, has it covered!
3:00p – Catch up on daily reports. It’s quieter now. It’s the perfect time to update the team on our amazing progress. Feeling proud!
5:15p – Start closing out. Another great day in the books.
5:30p – Head home for family time. Today I’ll be picking up my son from basketball practice and treating him to a personal favorite … pork chops and baked potato. The perfect end to a perfect day in San Antonio!
6:15a – Wake up early for my east coast colleagues. It’s 9:15 in NYC and the office is already popping. I take in the beautiful Reno sunrise, check in with Richard (CEO) about the latest leads I’m working on, and relax over a homemade breakfast.
7:00a – Take a walk around the lake outside and enjoy a picturesque view of the Sierra Nevada before I head back to my home office.
7:30a – Feeling inspired as I organize my day and think of all the great things happening here. Today I’m closing an exciting deal – a comprehensive ECM Solution for a major healthcare company. Yes!!!!
8:00a – Virtual pow-wow with our San Antonio team to review upcoming proposals. One of our Business Development Executive has big news. The new ImageSilo cloud solution demo is ready to roll. Can’t wait to show my clients!
9:00a – I join Michael Brizendine (Project Manager in our Charlotte N.C. office) on Skype to discuss the status of our custom upgrade for a major utility company. Looks like everyone is on time and on task. Way to go!
10:00a – Perfect time to demo our east coast clients. Today I’m showing our FlexiCapture solution to a VA hospital. They’re going to love it!
11:30a – I enter status updates into our CRM system and fill out eForm proposals for our newest clients. So proud! I’m knocking it out of the park this week.
1:00p – Break time. I indulge in a meatloaf sandwich and kick back for a bit.
2:00p – Things calm down on the East coast. Time to regroup with my Western clients and some of our major partners. I catch up with ABBYY and check in on the product roadmap for the latest FlexiCapture update. The newly redesigned web station is awesome!
3:15p – Meet with our Texas Business Development executive again on Skype. Today he’s going to help demo ImageSilo to a new prospect. Jeff rocks!
4:00p – Skype meeting with Richard (Programmer) in Austin to plan our customized Teleform solution for a new client. Richard has a great idea to keep the project within budget by using a script he’s already written. Genius!
5:00p – Finish up my notes and update my calendar for next fews days, and it’s a wrap!
5:30p – Commute down the hallway to see my lovely wife. Dinner time! She made her famous lasagna today. Can’t wait!
7:00p – Undock my notebook to play with our new software and review the latest updates. It’s not really work if you’re having fun!!!
8:50a – I arrive at our NYC office wearing my virtual cape and a big smile. It’s a great day to be an IT superhero. I head to the coffee maker, which just so happens to makes the best tea too. I power up on Earl Gray and enter my command center.
9:15a – I settle in, review support tickets, and see who I can save the day for first. Today it’s a client in Dallas who’s having a workflow error. I must go in!! I join forces with Roger, my IT ally, and remote into the system. Aha! A network connection is down. In a matter of minutes, we update the login credentials and reconnect. Success!!!
9:45a – I recharge with another tea. I’ll need my multitask powers to topple technical issues, resolve support calls, and strategize with the programming team throughout the day.
10:00a – Back at command. Follow up with Marie in upstate New York who’s having an issue with her scanner. I put on my cape and remote into her system. Something seems awry, but what is it? Bingo! Her drivers are out of date. I zoom in on the culprits. You will be replaced my friends! I make the updates in minutes and fly away.
1:30p – Lunchtime. It’s beautiful outside. I fuel up at Chelsea Market and walk the famous Highline. The art installations up here are incredible. What an amazing city!
2:30p – Return to command and check support tickets. Next up is a change order to reconfigure a client’s ECM Toolbox. Holy scopes! I review the design changes with Wayne in Programming and get approval to proceed. Yes!!! Wayne works on the programming changes. I do the testing. All systems go! Another victory for mankind!
4:00p – I run into Sean, our VP of NY Document Care Center. Looks like he’s having a great day too. We share a laugh and a big high five!!!
4:20p – Settle back at command and finish up support calls. Whoa! More like thank you calls. My clients are happy as ever. Feeling super proud.
6:00p – My work here is done. Head home and prepare for my final challenge of the day… improv class. I reach for my cape one last time…
7:30a – I wake up to the bright San Antonio sun, start some coffee, and warm up a toaster strudel for breakfast.
8:00a – I head to my home office and log into the CDM network. I start my day by reviewing emails and checking in with my supervisor to see what projects are forecasted so I can create my agenda. I also check for urgent help desk tickets. Holy smokes! A major bank is having trouble logging in today. I get right to it by remoting into their system. Aha! One of their servers is not online. I ask them to check the power. Bingo! A simple fix, indeed. I then log in and resend the report. Yes, they got it!
9:00a – I get back to work on my agenda, fielding help desk items, calls and emails in the process. Today a major financial institution client is unable to log one of their managers into ApplicationXtender. I put on my CDM cape and remote into their system. Aha! That user doesn’t have the correct user permission. I quickly reach out to the project manager on the account to confirm they should indeed have permission. Confirmed! I go in and update their settings. Issue handled. I’ll have plenty of time to work through help desk tickets before my next meeting.
12:00p – Lunch time, I go for a leisurely drive out to Taqueria Casa Jalisco Restaurant. The food is great here in San Antonio, and I enjoy the beautiful green scenery and hills in
the outskirts of the city along the way.
1:00p – Back to my desk. I catch up on emails and meet once again with my supervisor to review requirements for an upcoming project. The excitement builds as we start to design a CDM solution together. I’ll need to create a number of time-sensitive reports to get it done. I waste no time getting started.
2:30p – Reports are built! I provide them for review and approval, and take a well-deserved coffee break. It’s a beautiful day in San Antonio, and I take a moment to appreciate the lush gardens in the neighborhood from my living room window.
3:00p – Skype call with CEO Richard Tamaro to run through our new Workflow 4 product demo. I’ll be on the calls for each demo to answer any questions clients may have. I especially love this part of my work, where I can share my expertise and help clients solve their unique business challenges.
4:00p – Catch up on remaining emails. I see that our marketing department needs to find a streaming video solution for the ECM Toolbox website. I know just who to speak with. I open a support ticket and connect with an IT Solutions Engineer, who offers a variety of potential solutions. The help desk for the win! I continue working through my remaining emails. Woah! I just got a thank-you message from a client that installed Workflow 4. They love it!! How exciting to be part of another successful launch.
4:50p – I prepare for the end of the day with CDM, including logging my time and putting together a list of items to address tomorrow. The day ends on a high note, with the team buzzing about Workflow 4’s success.
5:00p – It’s a wrap! I take a walk outside and admire the beautiful blue bonnets in the neighborhood and make plans to meet up with friends at the Riverwalk.