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Common Symptoms:

  • Project Setup Stations and Verification Stations take time to open Projects. This occurs on workstations and on the computers with the Application Server and on Verification Stations. This problem occurs when viewing queues and when acquiring jobs.

  • The “ABBYY FlexiCapture: Error connecting to ‘http://<server_name>’ Network request to the remote server timed out.” error messages occasionally appear on all workstations.


One of the possible causes of this problem is that the transaction log of the database and ABBYY FlexiCapture’s own database is full. This may occur when ABBYY FlexiCapture is not configured as recommended in the System Administrator’s Guide.  To check whether this is the case:

  • Check the size of the transaction log and the ABBYY FlexiCapture 10 database.

  • Check if the Windows application logs on the computer with the Application Server contain entries similar to “ABBYY FlexiCapture Web Services: Query timeout expired in method…”If the database is larger than several dozen gigabytes, the transaction log is larger than several dozen megabytes, and the message is present in the Windows application logs, this issue can probably be resolved as described below.

If the database is larger than several dozen gigabytes, the transaction log is larger than several dozen megabytes, and the message is present in the Windows application logs, this issue can probably be resolved as described below.


We recommend solving this problem by clearing the ABBYY FlexiCapture database. To do this:

  • Carry out a cleanup operation (Administration and Monitoring Console → Cleanup)

  • Perform the Shrink operation on the database and its files in SQL Management Studio.

  • Rebuild the index of the database.

CASO Document Management