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AX Full Text Search

Aug 25, 202111:00am EDT1 hour

ApplicationXtender Full Text Search helps users discover information easily and put it to work immediately

ApplicationXtender (AX) Full Text Search expedites finding records in AX. AX Full Text Search allows your users to combine keywords and full-text searches to return the most precise search results with just a single query.

ApplicationXtender Full-Text Search delivers:

  • Access and Increase Efficiency For All of Your Documents
  • Precise search results — Combine keyword and full-text searches to quickly return precise search results.
  • Advanced search functions — Perform advanced search functions such as typo, thesaurus, stemming, proximity, and wildcard searches without complex search syntax.
  • Role-based information access — Ensure appropriate access to information through role-based user access.

This webinar is all things Full-Text Search! Anyone can attend!

You don’t want to miss it!

Wednesday 11:00 AM EST/ 10:00 AM CST August 25th, 2021

Can’t make the scheduled time? Register below and we’ll send you the recording of the complete webinar.

CASO Document Management