Print Management – Ancillary Materials
CASO SURVEY SERVICES can handle all the of the print requirements for your project.  If it is a specialty item and we don’t print it, we have a partner that can.  By working with CASO SURVEY SERVICES, we are your one-stop source for your entire project.
The printing of your survey or test instruments is an important step in the entire data collection project. However, an equally important step in the process is identifying and coordinating the support materials that make it possible to administer a successful survey/test.
We leverage our history within the printing industry to oversee the production of your project’s envelopes, cover letters, instruction forms, instructions, labels, etc. By having all project-related print jobs under one roof, we are able to streamline your processes resulting in a more cost-efficient program. We will simultaneously handle the procurement of any additional items that may be required.
Here is a list of some of the items that might be instrumental in effectively administering your survey or test:
Survey Support Check List:
CASO SURVEY SERVICES utilizes state-of-the-art systems and technologies to provide professional outsourcing services to organizations through centralized imaging and OMR data collection. These services, combined with our in-house survey design, printing, mailing/distribution, fulfillment, and data collection, provide professionals with a one-stop solution for their projects.