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Document Scanning for Schools

Feb 15, 20222:00pm EST1 hour

Learn how to Outsource your Document Scanning

February 15th at 2:00PM EST

Are your remote employees struggling to get information from files at “the office”?
Is your company reducing their office space or going 100% virtual?
Are your documents stranded in an office that nobody goes to anymore?

If you are facing any of these issues, or if you are interested in learning more about document scanning, Please Join Us and see how companies are facing the current challenges of paper documents with scanning. We will cover the details of how countless organizations have automated their paper files and processes.

By scanning you will:

  • Access and Increase Efficiency For All of Your Documents
  • Increase Useable Office Space
  • Eliminate Lost Files
  • Greatly Reduce Audit costs
  • Create a Disaster Recovery Plan

Anyone can attend! This webinar will cover all aspects of document scanning.

You don’t want to miss it!

Wednesday 2:00 PM EST February 15, 2022

Can’t make the scheduled time? Register below and we’ll send you the recording of the complete webinar.

CASO Document Management